Why you should insulate to avoid losing valuable Heat

Heat loss reduction is never more important than in the installation of air source heat pumps. If losses are not reduced, then the heat you have just extracted from the air will go straight back into it.

To meet MCS targets, roof, walls and floors need to be insulated as well as pipework both inside and out. An installation at Polruan, Cornwall involved long outside 28mm pipe runs and needed coated 19mm thick insulation such as Armaflex, to resist the rain as well as the heat loss. The insulation can be fitted after pipe runs are completed and joined along the factory cut seams using the peel off tape and pre-coated adhesive surfaces.

Inside, the pipes carrying warm water are insulated in Climaflex, helping to make sure the warmth stays where one Polruan family wants it to be, in the rooms and not the garden!

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