On your initial enquiry we will ask for some information, this will help us to size your PV array and offer the best advice on battery type and capacity. Information we will ask for: Electricity bill and any future high usage appliances that we should be considering ( Air Source / ground source heat pump | Electric Vehicle etc ). This information will allow us to input the data into our software and predict usage over an annual period.
What if we don’t have an electricity bill or if we are a new build? In this case we have a series of estimation tools in our software programmes that will give us a good idea of your future usage based on appliances and occupancy.
Remote Survey
Initially we will carry out a survey using the latest solar PV software.
The reason we do a remote survey first is because we have access in our head office to multiple tools / products and technical staff / engineers under one roof.
We find this to be a much more effective and detailed approach compared to sending a single surveyor? Salesman to site without any real understanding of what can go on your roof and at what cost.
Before we get to site we aim to have given you all the information you need and associated costs so that the future visit is not a sales call.
Detailed proposal with a variety of options
Our proposals are simple and easy to understand. We will offer you multiple options to suit your budget and energy needs. Illustrating return time on your investment and offering a variety of manufacturers based on your energy usage. We are not ties to a single manufacturer so we can offer the very best solution for you. Each manufacturer we use have their own unique properties and guarantees, these will clearly be outlined in your proposal.
Once you have received the proposal and had time to look through it we will schedule a convenient time to discuss your options and go through the proposal in detail so that you have a complete understanding.
Our consultation can happen in 3 ways.
Phone Call
We can call you and discuss the proposal in detail at a convenient time when you have the proposal in front off you.
Video Call
We will schedule a time with you for a video call and upload the proposal for you to look at, we will be able to view this at the same time as you and discuss all the options available.
Office Meeting
Many clients prefer to meet in person and we have an office with all of the products available on view. There are also multiple technical members of staff on hand and you can see the software we use and make on the spot changes.
Site Visit
Once you have all of the proposals and we have given you a really good understanding of what suits your usage, we will send out engineers who specialise in your chosen technology.
This visit will be productive and discuss everything from the siting of equipment and cable runs to the suitability of your existing supplies.
We have found that the engineers who will be installing your equipment are the best people to send on a survey rather than a salesman or a surveyor, this avoids many of the last minuet decisions on the day of installation.
The installation will happen in 3 stages and with three sets of professionals, qualified and insured scaffolders, qualified roofers, and qualified electrician.
We will give you access to monitoring for your installation this will be for both the production of solar and battery storage. Aside from this there is little to do with solar as it is a simple solution that works in the background. We are a local installer and if you have any problems further down the line we are available to help.
Harvest Cornwall Ltd, Unit 6 Darbari Building, Prow Park, Treloggan Industrial Estate, Newquay, Cornwall, TR7 2SX
Drop us a quick message here and we will get back to you as soon as possible
Harvest Cornwall Ltd, Unit 6 Darbari Building,
Prow Park,Newquay,TR7 2SX
01637 808244 / 01637 854997